
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

Get Involved

Volunteers play an indispensable role in caring for our LHM Hospice patients and those served by LHM Beam Teams. Volunteers do not need to have any prior experience, only a desire to connect, a willingness to learn and a drive to show compassion to others!

Hospice Volunteers

We could not provide hospice services without volunteers who care deeply for our patients and their families. We provide volunteers with an orientation program and ongoing training specific to their hospice volunteer activities. Volunteers can serve in direct patient care roles, such as providing companionship, brief periods of respite for caregivers, or assistance with errands, cooking and light housekeeping. They can also choose to serve in administrative roles, performing a wide range of important office functions that indirectly support our patients and their families.

Beam Team Volunteers

Our Beam Team volunteer needs are as diverse and unique as the people we serve! Whether you enjoy performing minor house repairs, driving, doing yard work, grocery shopping, providing companionship or other activities, we value your interests and skills. The people we serve will appreciate the light you bring into their lives as a member of an LHM Beam Team.

Click here for Beam Team volunteer opportunities.

Please click here if you would like to order a Beam Team t-shirt. Please note that volunteers may wear anything suitable to their activity. A Beam Team t-shirt is not required. T-shirts are purchased directly from a third-party vendor.

Volunteer Interest Form

Your time is a gift! Please complete our Volunteer Interest Form below to receive additional information about volunteer opportunities.

At this time, the Foundation does not have volunteer roles for minors. All volunteers must be 18 years or older.